Sunday, December 22, 2013


nursing my Brendan as a newborn

While browsing my own blog which had been empty of my posts for a while, I saw a post about breastfeeding. There was only one post because I wasn't really nursing anymore during that time. My son Boris was weaned by me when he was about two years and nine months.

On that post, I was encouraging mothers to breastfeed their babies less than two years old. During that time, I wasn't really knowledgeable about breastfeeding except by personal experience and some things I heard from a few different people. However, even if I lacked the proper information, I knew then that breast milk should be the babies' primary source of food.

Now that I have my second son who is two years and seven months, I know better. I may not be a breastfeeding expert, but I know enough to personally encourage mothers to breastfeed. I know enough to share to those who are willing to listen (and even those who don't) about breastfeeding and its countless benefits.

What I realized about that post is that I was under the impression then that breastfeeding is only best for babies two years and below. I was thinking then that after the baby turns two, he should be stopped from nursing from mom and should be taught to drink formula milk from a glass. That was why I made sure I weaned my firstborn before he turns three. He didn't want to stop breastfeeding then but I told him there won't be enough milk left for his future baby brother or sister. At that very young age, my son willingly agreed that he will no longer feed on my breast. 

Looking back at that time makes me really sad. I regretted the fact that I made up a story just to wean my little Boris. I didn't realize that it may have a bad effect on him. He stopped drinking milk altogether after that. He has been a picky eater until now, so he is very thin. I'm just glad that he is not a sickly child, which I attribute mostly to the fact that I breastfed him. It wasn't exclusive, but it is better than having just formula.

With my little Brendan now, milk formula is not an option. No matter how much people around make unnecessary remarks about him still breastfeeding, I just smile.
For me, breast milk is the only milk for babies from birth until he weans himself.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

when they're gone

Chichay crying realizing that her grandfather is dead
While watching the popular TV show "Got To Believe in Magic", my son asked why the character known as papa bear cried which made the other people also cry. That, given the fact that papa bear said that the dead Lolo Isko didn't want anyone feeling sad upon his death.
It made me think why we do cry when someone dies. For one, I myself cries so much when someone I love dies. Sometimes, even just someone I know.
I answered my son's question by saying that the characters weren't able to help themselves. They just had to let go of their emotions.
Crying doesn't always mean that we are sad. Especially not during deaths. Based on my personal observations and experiences, crying when there's someone who's dead means differently for each person.
There are those who cry because they are paid to do so. They are called the professional mourners. They are hired to cry and represent the feelings of Chinese families who are not able to cry during wakes.
There are those who cry because they sympathize with the family and loved ones of the dead. They feel the sorrow of others as if they are the ones who lost someone dear.
There are those who cry because they are truly saddened by the loss. It could be that the dead is someone really special and loved them. They have yet to accept that they will no longer be with that person because death has separated them completely. Somehow, I still feel that way about my grandpa who passed away 10 years ago because I regret the fact that I did not show him how much I loved him.
Lastly, there are those who cry because they are very happy. They are happy that the person's death has brought him or her peace. In belief that there's life after death, they also believe that the death of one person is the gate to heavens and everlasting life. They are also happy remembering the life of the person who was once a part of their lives.
Whatever the reason is for crying when there's death, I guess it doesn't really matter. In the end, we should all face reality. Death is inevitable, so we should celebrate life while we still can. After all, the dead won't see whether you cried or laughed when they're gone.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

No One Can Stop Me

I read it somewhere that a person must not make a decision when he or she is angry. They say that it will cloud your judgment and therefore will not make a worthy decision. However, I was thinking, when is the best time to decide?
When you're angry you feel so much that you want results immediately. You want everything taken cared of right there and then. That's the point of deciding on the spot. But then as they say, don't.
So what should you do if you want results right away but you are not supposed to decide? Do you wait for five minutes, ten, an hour, or 24 hours? Or do you wait until your anger eventually subsides? What if the cause of your anger is just around the corner? What if the anger doesn't leave you? How should you manage?
I just made a decision while I am still angry. I made a decision to think of myself rather than contemplating on others. I made a decision to make my self my priority, since no one makes me one. I hope I will not regret it. After all, life is too short to have so much regrets. So by all means, I'll decide when I can. No anger or happiness should stop me from doing so. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

risk not worth taking

Never had I imagined that there will come a day when I will have to confront someone after discovering that she is trying to covet my spouse. For some reason, I believed that the only way that Barry will be looking at another woman is if he is drunk. I was even thinking that he can impregnate another woman if he got too drunk in the company of that person, and will not even be aware that he did it. But then, I was wrong. When it comes to temptation, he need not be drunk to entertain it.

The past week had been a realization for us. I realized that he is still a typical man who can be tempted by any other woman. (even if she is not good looking or smart) I realized that I am a typical wife who does things to annoy my husband which leads him away from me, and near another woman. I realized that my spouse, no matter how he loves me, can lie to me to hide that he is allowing another woman to fall for him.

It was hard to comprehend how things happened right under my nose. I was having some worries, and was really thinking that there was something wrong. Yet, I did not do anything. I was too confident that he will never replace me for someone like that woman. Well, he never really thought of replacing me. He was just not stopping her from showing him some affection. He just entertained her advances, because he was taking advantage of the situation as well.

Not that Barry really cheated on me. He did not sleep with that b*tch. He did not really love her. He just enjoyed the times wherein he had someone to talk to when he had problems. He felt good with the thought that some woman cares for and love him other than his wife.

They were eating together during lunch. They went home together as well, having to take the same LRT route. (not in the same house, of course) They were working at the same company. The woman was doing little favors for Barry like setting up his computer when he is not yet in and they are about to start. She was sending him some inspiring SMS, or comforting words. That woman, no matter how she denied, fell in love with my spouse. Barry, on the other hand, did nothing to stop her from falling because he felt good with what he got for it. That, until I intervened.

I was regretful that I did not anticipate that it could be close to reality. I hate it that I was too trusting and was too confident. However, as they say, it's better late than never. After all, I was not too late. I managed to stop whatever foolishness was happening, and might be happening.

I broke that woman's heart by letting her know that she can never take my husband from me. I made her realize that what she was getting into is wrong, and will never be resulting to anything good. Nonetheless, she should thank me for intervening before she gets too hooked up and used up. She could have ruined her life if she went on.

As for Barry, I know he learned from this as well. He learned that he loves me more than any other woman in the world. He learned that he should not take the risk of being too close for comfort with another woman, as this may lead to something else. I know that he was regretful that he all most fell into temptation. I know that he regrets that he all most cheated on me for another woman.

Both of us realized, that any other man or woman is not worth risking our love and our lives...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

lessons learned the hard way

Basketball has been my all time favorite sport since I was a kid. I've always thought that the passion my family and I have for the sport is something that adds to the bond that ties us. So it did, once again...

Yesterday, my brothers played their second game at our brgy league. I was able to watch the last few minutes that they were playing. My brother's girlfriend was a bit frustrated at how things were going since my brothers were at the brink of losing at that time. She was teasing the camp of the opponent because of that. I felt the need to join the teasing since I've always known that its also some thing that adds excitement to the game.

The game ended with my brothers' team as the losing team. I realized that the game was over and we can't change the result of the game, so I just went on teasing the other camp. Little did I know that the teasing would hurt one of the players and his wife so bad, that it would result to serious physical injuries.

I did not see how things exactly went on, but I'm sure that my youngest brother and my older brother's girlfriend both got hurt because they tried to protect me. I feel a little hurt physically, but that is because there were a lot of hands that held me to pull me away from the opponent. However, my brother and my brother's girlfriend both got seriously injured in defense of me. What's worse is that, one of those responsible for my sister-in-law's injuries was one of the players himself, who happens to be a man.

Had I known that things will turn out that way, I could have kept my mouth shut. Nonetheless, I can't change what had happened. What I can only do is learn from this. And yes, those lessons were hardly learned. It's not a good idea to add to the heat of the game by teasing the other camp. Its not a good idea to trust yourself that you will not start a fight, because other people may, which would mean that you would have to end the fight in one way or another. Violence against women can put a man in jail for eight years, if proven, according to one of the policemen.

The best lesson learned for me is that, whatever differences we sometimes have in our family, we always stand up for each other in times of need. It had been proven once again that I'm lucky that our family share the same passion for basketball. I'm lucky that I'm part of my family.

Now even though the whole problem is not yet resolved, I know that this will be over. In one way or another, those who committed mistakes will learn from their mistakes. That includes them who resulted to violence just because of a petty basketball game. They have to pay the price of their actions, sooner or later...


proud mom 2

When I was a kid, I remember my mother having to scold me because she used to have a hard time teaching me how to read and write. Not that I was a slow learner, but I felt that I was too young to bother learning at five. I thought that I should have been busy playing with my playmates at that time, considering that you will be in grade one at the age of seven then. Nonetheless, I did not have any choice but listen to my mom because she was dead serious in making sure that before I go to school, I'm all ready literate. Well, it did pay off, because I was well prepared for school when I first had my first classmates and teachers. I was among those few who did not have to go through the crying process the first time their parents are leaving them at school.

Now that I'm a mother to a five-year-old kid, I feel lucky that my son is very eager to learn. At the age of 2 1/2, he started showing interest in learning. He was asking me if he can go to school then. I felt that it was too early so I declined, but had to promise him I'd allow him to go to school the following school year. When he was 3 years and 3 months old, I enrolled Boris in a daycare center. My goal then was for him to be able to socialize with kids his age. That is because I seldom allow him to play with kids in the neighborhood beyond our control.

My son showed fear in being left alone with strangers at the first three days. What I did then told him I'd stay with him but slowly leave whenever he was not looking. I was then explaining to him that it was a safe place so I had to leave him since he was the one who wanted to go to school. Fortunately, my son listens to what his mom says. In time, he was used to the daily routine of school. At that time up until the following year in daycare, I never forced my son to do his home works or to attend school. He brought home a medal for being the most creative student in his first year in the daycare center, and later on the most outstanding student just this March.

I felt so proud to see my son having his second medal in school. More than that, I am very proud that my son is not only smart, but very obedient as well. He is also showing great interest in learning. There's no chance that my mom or I will force him to study. When we say that its time for his daily school time, he gladly obey. He welcomes new knowledge and is determined to learn. Now at the age of five, he knows how to read and write, can add and subtract small numbers, can read numbers up to thousands, can surf the internet and install games, and can read time from the analog clock. He can also speak and understand a few English words. He is not some kind of kid who was born gifted like the Promil kids we see on TV, but he definitely loves to learn. He's simply amazing.

My son is not just smart and loves to learn. He's also a very sweet child. He never fails to say that he loves all of us in the family. He shares what he has with everyone. He has a friend now who is always in our house every single day, who he treats like his brother. He sometimes gets to fight with him like usual kids do, but he never did anything overboard. It is fine with him that his playmate is like a son to us and does call me mommy or my brothers tito, and my mom lola, and everyone in the family of his own. My son was never jealous of his playmate, he treats him like his own brother.

Not every parent can have such a lovely kid as my son is. I do hope that he will always be a good child, and will grow up a very nice person. Nonetheless, whatever will happen in the future, there's one thing for certain. My son will always be a lovely person for me and I will make sure that I will raise him the best possible way. As my mom had said once, the only way I could pay her for all the love and support that she and our father gave us is by giving more to our own kids. I do hope that I'm serving my main purpose in life now, aside from being a Christian, which is being a mother and wife.